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RT @NYGovCuomo: When something is working — you don’t change it. Wearing masks and social distancing is working. No indoor crowds is work…
August 3
RT 闪电加速器器VIP破解版: It’s been 5 months since NY’s first confirmed COVID case. Since then, we have brought the infection rate way down through…
August 2
RT @NYGovCuomo: 82,737 tests — the highest number of tests ever conducted in a single day in the state.
August 2
RT @NYGovCuomo: It's #CensusWeek & we need to get the word out. Pease take a moment to text or call 10 people & urge them to complete the…
July 31
RT @NYGovCuomo: At a time when Americans are dying at a rate of approximately one per minute: Wear A Mask. Stop the Spread. Save Lives.
July 31
The Senate's #COVID19 Relief proposal is disappointing. But there's still significant common ground for an agreem…
July 29
RT @NYGovCuomo: Farewell to a fearless leader who inspired us with every act of his well-lived life. We will continue your fight and make #…
RT @NYGovCuomo: Videos from a concert held in Southampton on Saturday show egregious social distancing violations. I am appalled. The Depa…
July 28
Wearing a mask is about respect. Stop the Spread. Save Lives. #MaskUpAmerica
July 27
RT 闪电加速器器VIP破解版: This weekend in every county in downstate NY investigators found blatant disregard for the law at bars & restaurants. 105…
July 26